Winter Restoration Projects Update II

Today I decided to pull the dog house off of the boat so I can begin taking some measurements to build a new one. With the dog house off I also wanted to inspect the transom for any type of rotting. I was hopeful that there would be none but you just never know. Anyhow, I began tapping and poking and looking and to my dismay I saw some rotted wood. Here's a few pictures:

You can visually see the one pretty bad spot but when I was poking the transom I felt a couple other spots. So, I'm going to have to replace it or have it replaced. I haven't decided yet. Since I'm going to pull the engine to have it rebuilt I may end up replacing the transom myself -- depending on how confident I am with my abilities to make something out of wood that wont sink. Here's a few other pictures I snapped today as well:

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