Checking Up On The Candidates

Believe it or not there are already talks of the Presidential election in 2012. Voting for your Commander and Chief can be a tedious process for some, and others it is just a question of the left or the right. Sometimes what your really doing is just voting for the lesser of two evils. Seeing potential campaigns rise or fall over a year away from the election used to seem completely pointless to me. In the end, you are going to have one Republican, and one Democrat to choose from. So why waste your time with the beginning of the race?

People often over look the fact that when it gets down to election time, your candidate is discussing his plans almost like an advertising agency. May the best marketer win! So maybe it can be overlooked but it seems obvious when it is laid out like that. So what does that have to do with choosing your side? Well, it has a lot to do with your choice. With the Bush administration, you had an intense marketing focus on the Christian voters. The following election brought upon a marketing plan with Obama that evoked "Change." Their marketing plans succeeded but we found a large decline in approval rating with Bush, and more and more people are unhappy with Obama's "Change." The people who are usually unhappy are the ones who are sold by the marketing campaign, not the presidential campaign.

I am finding it more and more important to take interest in what the potential candidates have to say right now. Picture it like a battle of bands. The best band wins, and they may be exactly what the people want to hear, before the record company signs them. Some bands may change exactly how the record companies want, and some may stay true to the message they wish to convey. The same basic fundamentals are set for a candidate who is to be elected. They could be a party pleaser and forget what the people really want, or they can stay true to the beliefs.

Trying to find the true values of a candidate can ultimately influence your decision at the end. Maybe you like the Democrat who sounds like he has it all together.However when the party starts influencing him to say things for the sake of votes, you might find yourself to voting the other way. Maybe, you oppose the Democrat's views initially but value how the candidate stuck to their initial beliefs. Same goes for the republican example.

By paying attention early, you can really analyze each candidate more appropriately. You may catch contradictions that are forgotten, you may find a new respect for someone else, and at the very least be a well informed voter. It is better for everyone if are more informed. Try not to choose an elephant or a donkey this time around. Try to choose the best person to be our President.

This article was written by Alina Cambridge who writes for, a website that specializes in HDTV reviews.

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