With school districts hurting across the nation, daily changes that affect faculty and students appears to be the norm in troubled schools. Some of these changes include budget cuts, layoffs, and class sizes. These new obstacles require schools to be more creative with how they approach difficult situations in the hope of creating a prosperous education environment. As superintendent, I propose the school implements the Comprehensive School Reform approach and trains faculty on transformational, charismatic, and behavior leadership styles. Implementing the Comprehensive School Reform approach, this school seeks to improve student performance by addressing and aligning all aspects of the school’s operations using the guiding philosophy, vision, and practices of a specific model (Cunningham & Cordeior, 2006).
Comprehensive School Reform Approach
Schools that have instituted the Comprehensive School Reform approach show phenomenal benefits. According to Cunningham and Cordeior (2006), Schools that implement Comprehensive School Reform models for five years or more showed particularly strong effects, and the benefits were consistent across schools of varying poverty levels. Comprehensive School Reform approach addresses the need for change in multiple areas including faculty, curriculum, instruction, and the organization. Changes made will be correlated together because isolated changes in certain areas may be ineffective. Thus the theory of action underlying Comprehensive School Reform is that all of these areas must be simultaneously addressed to improve student achievement (Yeh, 2008). Cunningham and Cordeiro (2006) define Comprehensive School Reform based on:
• Employs proven methods for student learning, teaching, and school management that are founded on scientifically based research and effective practices and have been replicated successfully in schools.
• Integrates instruction, assessment, classroom management, professional development, parental involvement, and school management.
• Provides high quality and continuous teacher and staff professional development and training.
• Includes measurable goals for student academic achievement and establishes benchmarks for meeting those goals.
• Is supported by teachers, principals, administrators, and other staff throughout the school.
• Provides support for teachers, principals, administrators, and other school staff by creating shared leadership and a broad base of responsibility for reform efforts.
• Provides for the meaningful involvement of parents and the local community in planning, implementing, and evaluating school improvement activities.
• Uses high-quality external technical support and assistance from an entity that has experience and expertise in school wide reform and improvement, which may include an institution of higher education.
• Includes a plan for the annual evaluation of the implementation of the school reforms and the student results achieved.
• Identifies the available federal, state, local, and private financial and other resources that schools can use to coordinate services that support and sustain the school reform effort.
• Meets one of the following requirements: Either the program has been found, through scientifically based research, significantly to improve the academic achievement of participating students, or strong evidence has shown that the program will significantly improve the academic achievement of participating children.
Transformational Approach
Transformational leaders acquire followers by appealing to his or her emotions and values such as equality, ethical, and economic. By appealing to followers emotions and values, leaders and followers enthuse one another to honorable conduct. The transformational approach allows the leader and follower to learn from one another’s resources in an attempt to better each other. These different resources are what allow the leader to benefit from the follower and vice-versa. As the leader and the follower benefit from this approach him or her both become more committed to the task at hand. The traits of a transformational leader are (a) vision, turning his or her vision into action, (b) communication, a leader’s vision has to be conveyed to his or her followers for that vision to be attained, (c) trust, leaders are willing to benefit from the follower he or she must trust his or her followers, and (d) self respect. Avolio & Yammarino (2002) claimed there are positive associations with performance effectiveness and satisfaction, the considerations of the emotional aspects of the working relationship, and general optimism resulting in a higher level of. Leaders who are associated with the transformational approach will handle contemporary issues and challenges by believing in his or her vision and empowering his or her employees. Wren (1995) claimed transformational leaders can motivate and inspire employees to further the goals of the organization.
Charismatic Approach
Charismatic leaders who display positive traits and attitude will attract followers who have similar beliefs. Clawson (2006) claimed charismatic leadership is measured by (a) follower’ trust in the correctness of the leader’s beliefs, (b) similarity of followers’ beliefs to the leader’s beliefs, (c) unquestioning acceptance of the leader by followers, (d) followers’ affection for the leader, (e) followers’ willing obedience to t he leader, (f) emotional involvement of followers in the mission of the organization, (g) heightened performance goals of followers, and (h) belief of followers that they can contribute to the success of the group’s mission. Leaders who are associated with the charismatic approach will handle contemporary issues and challenges by believing in his or her vision and making the correct decisions to support that vision.
Behavior Approach
Behavior approach is a theory based on what leaders do within an organization. The traits associated with the behavior approach are learned and not inherent. Leaders whom use the behavior approach act in different roles. Clawson (2006) stated some of these roles as (a) figurehead role, (b) leader role: integrating the organization, motivating, (c) liaison role, (d) monitor role, (e) disseminator role, (f) spokesman role, (g) entrepreneur role, (h) disturbance handler role, (i) resource allocator role, and (j) negotiator role. Studies have shown that traits associated with these roles can be classified into the categories of initiation of structure or consideration behaviors. Ronald (n.d.) wrote initiation of structure includes leader behaviors that define, organize, or structure the work situation. Examples of initiation structure include importance on making deadlines, conveying specific tasks, and making task-related decisions. Consideration behavior traits are shown when a leader displays apprehension for his or her followers. Examples of consideration behavior traits include developing and maintaining a relationship with his or her followers, showing trust in his or her followers, and treating his or her followers with equality. The leader who displays consideration behavior traits strives to improve job satisfaction and interpersonal relationships with his or her followers. Leaders who are associated with the behavior approach will handle contemporary issues and challenges by choosing the correct role and paying extreme attention to details.
Leadership Similarities and Differences
The behavior, charismatic, and transformational approaches have many similarities and differences. The similarities found in each approach are consistent similarities found in all styles of leadership. These include such traits as (a) attention to vision, (b) communication, (c) confidence, (d) and acceptance of one’s mistakes. The differences between these leadership approaches can be extreme. For instance, the behavior approach’s theory relies on leaders taking on different roles and what they do to accomplish their vision. The charismatic approach appeals to his or her followers feelings. The transformational approach uses a reciprocal process that allows the leader and follower to benefit from one another. However, if faculty is properly trained with leadership techniques he or she should be able to distinguish which leadership role is needed for the given situation. By displaying the proper leadership role, students test scores and production of our educational facility should increase.
With the school struggling to produce higher test scores, action is needed. As superintendent I will implement a Comprehensive School Reform approach and train faculty on transformational, charismatic, and behavioral leadership techniques. Implementation of the Comprehensive School Reform approach will provide such things as proven reform methods, integrated instruction, measurable goods, and support for faculty. By integration the Comprehensive School Reform approach our vision statement as an educational institution will undoubtedly change and faculty will work together with common goals in mind to benefit our students.
Avolio, B.J., & Yammarino, F.J. (2002). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. San Diego, CA: Elsevier Science Ltd.
Clawson, J. G. (2006). Level three leadership: Getting below the surface. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Cunningham, W. G., & Cordeiro, P. A. (2006). Educational leadership: A problem-based approach (3rd ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon.
Ronald E., R. o. (n.d). Behavioral Approach to Leadership. Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 148-50.
Short, P. M., & Greer, J. T. (2002). Leadership in empowered schools: Themes from innovative efforts (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
Wren, J.T. (1995). The leader's companion: Insights on leadership through the ages. New York, NY: The Free Press.
Yeh, S. S. (2008). The Cost-Effectiveness of Comprehensive School Reform and Rapid Assessment. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 16(13), 1-32.
What else is there to say but goodnight and goodnight to you Mrs. Amore, wherever you may be.
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