Back on March 3, 2010 I wrote the post Who Is Michael? and I think it's about time to revisit that post and see where I am at today. I am still working all different hours throughout the day and lately I have curbed my attitude toward going out to enjoy the evenings with friends. I tend to enjoy the night life maybe once or twice during the week and I believe my life is better for this because I have more "me" time. I was never one who enjoys the taste of alcohol and I probably never will be. Personally, unless someone is out to get buzzed, I do not see the point in drinking. Wouldn't you rather have juice, pop, water, or some other beverage instead of alcohol with your pizza? I would. That being said, I do enjoy a glass of red wine with steak and a glass of white wine with fish because it seems to accentuate the flavor of the dishes.
Over the past few years my opinions on things such as love, activities, education, family, etc. have changed considerably on certain topics and not so much on others. Currently I enjoy:
- Helping children
- I will always have a soft spot for kids in my heart. I believe a child should have no worries except what is the next thing he or she is going to play with. If you can, take the time and try to donate to a few children's charities. Here's a list of ones you can choose from: Children's Charities
- Philanthropy
- Helping others gives me a joyous feeling that I cannot get anywhere else. Nobody is perfect in this world and sometimes people just need a little help or someone to say, "Hey, it's going to be OK."
- Teaching
- My life-long goal is to teach people something somewhere one day.
- Marketing
- Life-Long learning
- I believe in life-long learning and consider myself a life-long learner. I like to say, "I may not know a great deal about one subject but I know a little bit about every subject."
- Power and prestige
- Who doesn't want to feel wanted and in demand to others?
- Sports
- Being an introvert/homebody
- This is something that is changing as I age. I use to be an extrovert (and most still think I am) because I would talk to anyone all the time. However, as I grow older I seem to want to talk to people only if I have to. "If I have to."
- Family
- Television
- My escape from the real world at home.
- Movies
- My escape from the real world when I go out.
- Technology
- I always have loved buttons, lights, gadgets, etc.
- Reading
- In my opinion, the best way to educate yourself on different topics.
- Elvis Presley
- Elvis is simply the man.
- Cary Grant
- Also the man.
- Friends
What else is there to say but goodnight and goodnight to you Mrs. Amore, wherever you may be.
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