Socialized Job Network?

Yesterday morning I was commenting on a blog post entitled Should Unemployment Benefits Come With Obligations? by Brian Sullivan when for some awkward reason I began thinking about everything big brother seems to control. I said to myself, "We have socialized police departments, fire departments, and libraries, so why not a job network?" Suddenly my brain was engulfed with different thoughts and ideas pertaining to the success or failure of this venture. I quickly took out a piece of paper and decided to jot down some notes. Here's what I came up with:

  • Government has to require employers by law to post job openings on site.
  • A company can pay a set amount a year (maybe $100) if they wish not to post on government job site.
  • If a company is not listed in the "paid opt out" (see bullet above) section and does not list their job openings a three tier system could be imposed.
    • First tier - minimal fine
    • Second tier - increased fine
    • Third tier - fine is based on companies revenue (should be increased from second tier)
  • Government job site eliminates potential employees from having to go to 1000 different job sites.
  • Government can benefit financially.
  • Employers can find abundant list of diverse candidates more quickly.
  • Potential downfall of current privately owned job sites
  • Saves potential "benefited" and normal employees time, which allows government to obligate "benefited" employees to work 4-8 hours of community service time a week.

In all honestly this is just me brainstorming another crazy idea. I have not checked into whether or not something like this exists or any other real details for that matter. Hopefully in the near future I will have found a few more facts and I'll be able to report back with some interesting information.  Until then!

*As a side note: here is an interesting article written by Roger Ebert (yes, the film critic) of the Chicago Sun-Times about a town that charges $300 for the fire department to come out if there is no fire. Here's the link:
The Gathering Storm 

What else is there to say but good night and good night to you Mrs. Amore, wherever you are.

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