Toyota Falters, or Was it the U.S.?

Today I eagerly tuned into the Toyota congressional hearings secretly hoping that this would be the demise of a foreign auto giant. Sadly what I saw were the Toyota "big wigs" acting very gentlemanly and business like and congress acting like the old U.S.S.R. I was completely appalled by how the vilified the foreign auto giant. I understand congress wanted the answers to certain questions, I just wish they had done it with dignity and the class they were once well known for.
Personally I have seen many recalls over my lifetime for auto problems and I do not recall the U. S. automakers being scrutinized so heavily. Granted I may not recall because as a younger lad I did not follow politics/economics as passionately as I do now. Hopefully, we (the U.S.) can move past this and continue to welcome Toyota products in our country because as a global economy we need them as much as they need us. Now it's up to Toyota to work some public relations magic and fix faulty equipment and hope for the best.

What else is there to say but goodnight and goodnight to you Mrs. Amore, wherever you are.

-This post was made using my Iphone.

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