Laying here watching a movie made in 1961 starring Elvis Presley, entitled Blue Hawaii, I am concerned about the path America has chosen since this film was made. Even with fictional movies I can see the simplicity of life and the want of people to socialize with others. It appears to me that people generally cared about their belongings, families, and values while highly respecting others. I have been saying it for years, TV and air conditioning are causing as much harm as good. Air conditioning allows people to stay inside all summer long instead of going outside to cool off at night or grab a breath of fresh air, and TV simply entices this urge more.
I occasionally wonder to myself why the last time a woman could walk down an ally in Chicago or a street in New York without worrying was when the United States was most corrupt in the 1950s. Since then, the United States has done many good things like becoming more diversified and having better equal rights. However, maybe we have focused so much attention on the negatives of life that we forgot to pay attention to the positives, and year-by-year decade-by-decade these positives are slowly transitioning into negatives because of the lack there of.
America and Americans are lacking confidence. People out of jobs submit hundreds upon hundreds of resumes to prospective employers and never get a call. These same people then find out that employers are purposely overlooking candidates who are unemployed. Can I be honest, how dumb of a organizational move can this be? Imagine all of the wonderful and qualified people these companies are passing up. The whole submitting resume and interviewing process is flawed. Companies are not adequately utilizing their time. For example, why not use video-to-video conferencing calls to interview potential employees. This would save time for the company and allow the interviewee to be more comfortable. Isn't the whole point finding out about the potential employee? So why not allow them to be comfortable during the interview so you can really gauge their personality and understanding of the position offered.
All this being said, I believe in people and I believe in America going forward. If I were a gambling man I would bet on America. Well, I guess I kind of am a gambling man because I dabble in the stock market and I have bet on American companies, often and frequently.
Please excuse any grammatical errors as I typed this from my cell phone.
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