I wrote this following email to the Mayor of Elgin, Chief of Police in Elgin, IL Humaine Society, and Lost Dogs IL.Michael's Comments:
Dear Mr. Mayor:
I would like to take a few minutes of your time and ask that you read this in it's entirety...
On Tuesday evening around 6:15 pm my boyfriend and I were driving west on Golf Rd. just west of Shales Parkway in Elgin. I spotted a dog in the oncoming lane. We turned around and blocked traffic. She had already been hit and run over SEVERAL times and was deceased. I took off my shirt, wrapped her up, and put her in the car. We drove to a nearby vet and a man told me that "we don't throw out people's garbage for free". This isn't even the bad part...
We then left and headed back to our home a few minutes away. In route I called the EPD and told them what happened and that I needed to know what to do with the small female black chihuahua. They told me they would come and pick her up at my home. An officer came shortly there after. The officer's name was William Homeier. He was very nice and seemed to have a great deal of compassion for this little dog. We placed her in the back of his SUV and I thanked him.
The next day (Wednesday), I made it my mission to find the owners. As a pet owner myself, I would want to know what happened to my pet and get some closure... It took all day but I found them! I viewed a picture and confirmed it was in fact their pet. The owner asked me where she was. I told him that the EPD came and picked her up from my home. The owner didn't speak very good English so I offered to call the PD and find out for them. I spoke with a female officer (name unknown) and she told me that they didn't know where she is. I found this confusing. Doesn't the PD have a shelter, vet, etc that they use when situations like this come up? She continued to tell me that she was probably dumped in a dumpster or the forest preserve. I was outraged but still wanted to confirm exactly what happened to the dog straight from the responding officer.
I was able to get a hold of Officer William Homeier at approximately 4:05 pm today (4/7). I told him who I was and that I was able to track down the owners and that they wanted to properly cremate their pet. He said that wouldn't be possible. After a bit of probing and acting as if I didn't 'mind' that she may have been dumped, he told me he scanned her for a chip and when nothing came up, he brought her outside to the PD's dumpster!
I fully understand that some shortcuts need to be made here and there especially in this economy but this wasn't a raccoon, possum or coyote. This was a 10 lb. beautiful little female chihuahua named Chiquis who had a wonderful, loving family. The children missed their pet. She had a HOME! If I would have known that the police, that are supposed to do the right thing, would dump her in a garbage can, I would have put her in my personal chest freezer for a couple days.
I am truly hoping that this 'practice of disposal' isn't going to continue in the city I live in. What are we....Spooner, WI? This practice should not be happening in a city as urban and modern as Elgin, IL.
Please help Mr. Mayor
Thank you for your time,
Hollie Bowers
I am torn on this subject matter. My heart says that the proper care of domesticated animals should be practiced, but my mind says that it is more economical for police departments to put the animal in the trash. Currently, I am unaware of any lawful procedures that need to be taken before disposing of an animal but maybe there should be. Maybe police departments should be required to bring the animal to a facility where it is kept for two days. It is definitely not economical but regardless of the situation sometimes being moral is the right way. I know if this were one of my pets I would like to do what I felt was proper with them instead of someone else tossing them aside.
What else is there to say but goodnight and goodnight to you Mrs. Amore, wherever you may be.
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